Aimee is a natural teacher & therapist - warm, wise, dynamic, and deeply intuitive. She is a truly holistic practitioner expertly weaving modern science and psychology with ancient wisdom and somatic practice. For those accustomed to more clinical environments, Aimee's approach to wellbeing is refreshing and potent.
Aimee is an ACCPH fellow and supervisor. She specialises therapeutically in trauma (in all its forms and guises) having studied with some of the most respected and pioneering trauma specialists in the world including Bessel Van Der Kolk, Steven Porges, Gabor Mate, Arielle Schwarz, Pat Ogden, Peter Levine, Dan Siegal, Richard Schwarz, and Eric Gentry of The Arizona Trauma Institute and more.
​Aimee is also the creator of Medicinal Movement™ - an artful fusion of trauma informed psychological somatics, with Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga and relaxation, Tandeva (original Shaiva free movement/dance) and meditations inspired by the teachings and practices of the classical Indo-Tibetan Tantric Traditions.
She is currently under the mentorship of Dr Miles Neale ("Gradual Awakening - The Tibetan Buddhist Path to Becoming Fully Human" & "Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy"), Rob Preece ("The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra") and Geshe Tenzin Zopa (Unmistaken Child) and Zeenat Cameron within the sacred Shakta Tradition of Sri Vidya.
Aimee works with a small number of people one to one, holds yearly retreat intensives and trains several groups a year through her school - www.isohh.org.uk
"A modern day wise woman"
Helena, Sweden
a note from aimee
"My work is truly holistic in its nature. I believe that the radical freedom we all deserve to experience can only be revealed through working in an integrative manner.
Science and psychology play a vital part in my work, but I am not a clinician, nor am I classically trained by choice.
I am a therapist, but I am also a tantrika, an artist, and a dancer. I know the power of nature, ritual, movement, meditation and breath. I know that the body contains more wisdom than most of us can imagine and that healing is a somatic/felt experience - not a process we can intellectualise.
Everything I teach and share with others is more than just rhetoric from a textbook - it is born of my own experience, of nearly 20 years of simply walking the path, and doing the work."